The State of the Art in Real Estate Marketing

Color-Net is a network of top real estate companies and agents throughout the US. Each Color-Net Member Broker has invested in state of the art technology
to make the real estate buying and selling process easier, more efficient, and a lot more fun for the Buyer.

Each Color-Net Member Broker is connected to Color-Net's private computer network to serve relocators by providing up to date information on housing in their new communities.

When you have a need to sell a home, your Color-Net Member will not only feature it on the World Wide Web, but it will also get exposure to the many relocators who don't surf the Web.

When you have a need to buy, your Color-Net Member Broker will put you in touch with a qualified professional in your new community, coordinating your buying and selling experience!

We're expanding our network every day! If you don't find a listing for a Color-Net Member or information from the exact market you want, we'll get you the information your need.
Just click on Find Information About An Area, we'll E-Mail, fax, mail or call you with the information you need for anywhere in the United States.

If you are a Real Estate Broker or Agent, Color-Net is the best listing tool.

Color-Net gets your listing more Buyer exposure.

For the Broker it's the best recruiting tool because when Agents understand it, they want it!

click here for Membership Opportunities.

You can reach Color-Net at
E-Mail mark@colornet.us